Last Friday’s ruling of the United States’ Supreme Court, legalising same-sex marriage has been described as “an attack on the church, Christianity and traditional values.”
A statement from the leadership of Motailatu Church Cherubim and Seraphim Worldwide, signed by Senior Superintendent Gabriel F. Akinadewo (Omo Jesu II) and Senior Apostle Godfrey Dottie, described the action as unfortunate, “coming from a country which adopts ‘In God we Trust’ as its creed.
“If individuals are involved in homosexuality, we didn’t expect the highest level of judiciary, the Supreme Court, to officially and legally okay such a satanic belief. It was even a surprise to us, as a church, that the highest level of executive, President Barack Obama, has also endorsed this luciferic belief that a man can marry a man and a woman can marry a woman.
“There are countless verses in the Bible to knock off this belief but Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created man and woman. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve. Genesis 1:31 tells us that everything God created was good.
“It is unfortunate that many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, God’s and Christian values by pursuing policies that challenge God’s wisdom in creating man and woman to replenish the earth.
“It is true that man has freedom but man’s freedom is not absolute before God. By having faith in God and also believing in satan, the world is gradually slipping away into destruction.
“Since The Netherlands legalised same-sex marriage on April 1, 2001, about 20 countries, including Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Britain, Brazil, New Zealand, Uruguay, France, Denmark and now the US, have joined the devilish train of man sleeping with man and woman sleeping with woman.
“It is a terrible thing for anybody to live without God or, directly or indirectly, fight God through satanic words and action. We, as a church, are telling the world to beware of evil influences capable of incurring God’s wrath. We are telling other parts of the world: ‘stop this satanic action now.’