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  State Governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio

More than 168 suspected murder cases were reported in Akwa Ibom State last year, the state Governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio has said.
The governor disclosed this during the swearing in of the new Attorney-General and Commissioner of Justice in the state, Mr. Uwenedimo Nwoko and five permanent secretaries berating growing cases of murder incident in the state.
He lamented that it was worrisome that children killed their parents and husbands murdered their wives and vice versa.
He disclosed that 147 murder cases occurred in different villages last year; with 17 cases of children killing their parents from September to December while four involved husbands-wives killing themselves during arguments over text messages and phone calls.
The governor decried activities of some human activists for
politicising the arrest and detention of a son held over circumstantial evidence over the death of his father to go on protest march to free the suspect, saying such could hamper further investigation of the case.
He said he would hand over the files containing the cases- some of which are pending in courts and others are being investigated by the police to the Attorney-General to determine veracity of the matter.
He condemned the spate of murder cases in the state and asked  parents to pray for their children to avert the tragedy, and husbands and wives to avoid arguments over frivolous matters that could lead to death.
Akpabio further charged him to use the state Ministry of Justice to set a tone for the conduct of the upcoming election in order to ensure that the laws of the land are applied, hoodlums and touts are contained and that the elections are free and fair.
“So, as the chief law officer, the state wants you to commit your learning, creativity and energy to ensuring that no one breaks the law. We also appreciate the tremendous sense of commitment you have shown in the different offices of public trust you have been entrusted with,” he said.

To the permanent secretaries, Akpabio warned, “We remind you today to remain insulated from the breeze of politics, the arrows of ethnicity and the pestilence of tribalism in the discharge of your duties. You may have been appointed at a time of great political activity, but the demand of your office is that you stay above the waters of politics.
“We invite you to join us in striving to let every segment of our society feel the impact of our transformational leadership. Your constituency is Akwa Ibom State and you should expand your perspective beyond the narrow confines of your communities, for you do not represent your local government area.  From now on, you represent truth, growth and development in our state.
“Your appointment was designed to reinvigorate and strengthen service delivery to our people. We expect you to discharge your duties as expected in the oaths you have taken to assist this process.
“So, therefore I charge you to extend the same cooperation and support you have always given to us, your commissioners and special advisers, let them have the benefit of your experience and expertise, knowing that their success are your successes,” the governor admonished.
Governor Akpabio enjoined them to take advantage of the time of their appointment, see it as a chance to do good to everyone they encounter in the course of their service, in their high offices of public trust, believing that they would be committed to Akwa Ibom project and be dedicated to the ongoing transformation of the state.
He said the entire state had placed a demand on their commitment and dedication even in the twilight of his administration, pointing out that though they joined the uncommon transformation train late, the demand of history is that they would be defined by how they ended the race, not by when they joined the race.
The permanent secretaries are Mr. Udoh Hilary Isobara, Mr. Praise Okon, Mrs. Affiong Okpo, Mrs. Stella Nsima  and Mrs. Ekanem Albert Attah.